Saturday, July 9, 2011

Home inspections - A Question and Answer Guide

A home inspection is an evaluation of the visible and accessible systems and components of a home (plumbing, heating and cooling, electrical, structural, roof, etc.) and shall inure to the customer (buyer, seller or home), a better understanding of the general conditions of the house. Mostly it is a buyer, the inspection of the house he or she is serious about purchase requests. A home inspection provides the data so that decisions will be confirmed for the purchase or questionedand to identify serious and / or expensive to repair defects, the seller / owner may not be aware of. It is an assessment of property value, or cover the cost of repairs. Does not guarantee that the house complies with local building codes or protection of a customer if an item does not control the future. [Note:. The warranty can be purchased to cover many points] A home inspection should not be considered "technically exhaustive" evaluation, but evaluationOwnership of the day, it is examined, taking into account normal wear and tear of age and location of the house. A home inspection may also be additional costs, the evidence of radon gas, water testing, energy audits, inspections, pest control, pool inspections and some other specific items that are indigenous to the region of the country where the inspection can take place . Home inspections are also used (rarely) from a seller before listing the property to see if there arehidden problems that are not familiar with, and even from home and condominiums just want to take care of your home, avoid surprises, and maintain the value of the investment house as high as possible.

The eighth most important results in a control are:

1 major defects, such as large cracks in the foundation of the difference, the structure of the plane or perpendicular; bridges is not installed or supported properly, etc. These are elements that are expensive to repair, we like to classify subjects asto repair than 2% of the purchase price.

Home inspections - A Question and Answer Guide

2 Things could lead to significant weaknesses - a roof flashing leak, the damage is greater, rain, and ensure the entry of water or a support beam, which was not in the structure can cause really could get tied up.

3 security risks, such as exposed electrical wires, missing GFCI (switches) in kitchens and bathrooms, lack of safety rails on bridges more than 30 inches above the ground,etc.

Your inspector tells you what not to discuss these issues. He / she may recommend evaluation - and surely will find serious problems - from professionals who are licensed or certified specialists in the field defect. For example, the inspector to recommend an engineer license when parts of the house to find out of alignment, which may indicate a serious structural defect.

Home inspections are for use by a buyer after they havesign a contract, is not it?

Not true! How do you see when you read about, can inspect the preliminary tests are used in new construction, as a tool by a current home, a proactive technique, the sale of the sellers, their home more, and buyers want determine status of site potential.

Sellers, especially from a first check is always the list of benefits at home. These are just some of the benefitsSeller:

• The seller knows the house! The home inspector is able to answer his / her questions about the history of problems to find them.

· Inspection A home will help the seller to be objective when it comes to defining a fair price for the return home.

• The seller can report and make it a marketing piece for the home.

• The seller will find all the security issues at home before opening it to the attention of open daysTours.

• The seller can repair friendly rather quickly after the signing of the contract.

Why control?

Your new home has dozens of systems and over 10,000 pieces - from heating and cooling and ventilation appliances. When these systems and tools work together, you can enjoy comfort, energy savings and longevity. Shortcomings in the system, but can produce a variety of problems that lead to a loss of value and reducedComponent life. Want to buy a used car without a qualified mechanic look at it? Your home is much more complicated, and a thorough investigation, which meet in a report on the arms you with essential information on which decisions must be documented.

Why can not I do the inspection myself?

Most homebuyers lack the knowledge and the objectivity necessary to control a home. Using the services of a professional home inspector, get a better understanding ofCondition of the property, especially if all the elements "as expected" or "adversely affect the habitability of the dwelling" or "warrant further investigation" by a specialist. Remember that the home inspector is a generalist and trained on the entire system in every home.

Why can not I ask a family member who is an entrepreneur who virtually or visit my new home?

Despite your aunt or grandchild can be very qualified, he or she is not trained or experiencedprofessional home inspections and is not generally required instrumentation and control knowledge for a review. The home inspection training and know-how represent a significant, employs professional license, the strict standards of practice. Most entrepreneurs and other professionals for a professional home inspector to inspect their homes if they buy a house!

What does an inspection cost?

This is often the first question, but theResponse tells less about the quality of the examination. Rates vary depending on the size, age and various other aspects of home plate. Inspection fees for certification of a professional home inspector, usually to start under $ 300. The average price for a house of 2,000 square meters is about $ 350 nationally - $ 375 What you should have is not the tax, but the qualifications of your inspector. They are certified (NHIE passed the test)? They are recognized by the State if necessary?

Astakes the test?

This depends on the size and condition of the house. It is usually possible value for 1,000 square feet 1.2 hours. For example, a 2,500 square meter house would be about 3 hours. If the company is also the report in your home that will last a further 30 -50 minutes.

Not all houses need to control?

It is not Yes and No, even if required by law in many states, we believe that every customer is not always checkDo yourself a disservice. You may find yourself with expensive and unpleasant surprises after moving into the house and suffering from financial headaches could have been easily avoided.

Should I be present at the inspection?

It 'a great idea for you to be present during the inspection - if you are buyer, seller or home. I'm with you, the inspector can show all the defects and explain their meaning and suggest the maintenance functions that will be usefulin the future. If you can not be there, not a problem, since the report you will receive very detailed. If you are not present, then you should definitely ask your inspector, everything is explained clearly in the report. Also read the contract carefully inspection in order to understand what is covered and what is not covered under consideration. If there is a problem with the inspection or the report, it is necessary to increase the problems quickly by the examiner, usually within 24 hours.If you want to show the inspector after the inspection back to you things, this can be arranged and is a good idea, but you will pay for the examiner's time for a complete solution, since this is not included in the original service .

If the seller of the home inspection, which was ordered by the buyer?

The seller will be welcome during the inspection (it is still at home), although they should understand that the inspector is working for the buyer. The conversationThe inspector may interfere with the buyer, the seller if the seller was aware of the item is indicated or if the seller can be too emotional to such defects. This is one of the reasons why the seller to consider their own tests before the list could go home.

If a house is not a control?

No, a home inspection is an examination of the current condition of your future home. It is an assessment that determines the market value, or a municipalInspection, verification of compliance with area code. A home inspector can not, therefore, do not pass a house or not. The inspector objectively describe the physical condition of the house and indicate which items that need repair or replacement.

What is included in the exam?

The list below is not exhaustive. Not all of these can be obtained in the examination, but the examiner will use a standard checklist for your home:
· Drainage of the site andGrading
• Access
· Square entrance, handrails
· Cover
· Masonry
· Landscapes (as it relates to home)
• Support walls
· Roof, flashings, chimneys, and attic
· Eaves, soffits and fascia
° walls, doors, windows, patios, walkways
· Foundation, basement and crawl spaces
· Garage, garage walls, floor and door operation
Internet Security & Kitchen (dishwasher,Stove / oven / hob / extractor, microwave, disposal, trash compactor)
· Services of laundry (washer and dryer)
· Ceiling, walls, floors
· Kitchen counters, floors and furniture
• Windows and window seals
O Ports and internal hardware
· Systems Heating and fittings
• electrical systems, panels, input lead
• the electrical ground, FI, taken
· Smoke (fire) detectors
·Ventilation systems and insulation
· After heating and controls
-Channels and Distribution
· Fireplace
· Air conditioning controls
· HEAT resistant pumps and controls
Second element of security as a means of exit valves TPRV, railings, etc.

Other elements that can not be part of the standard test fee will be added:
· Testing Radon Gas
· Water Quality Test
· Thermal bathsInspection (usually performed by a company in part)
· Gas line leak test (usually performed by the gas company)
· Sprinkler system test
· Swimming Pool and Spa Inspection
· Mold Screening (sometimes performed by a company in part)
· Inspection septic system (usually performed by a company in part)
• Alarm system (usually done through a separate company)

You should get a radon test, if yourProspective home falls in an area of land with known infiltration of radon, as radon gas produced cancer is second only to smoking and can be easily alleviated with the installation of a ventilation system. We also recommend a water proof to make sure you have provided the bacteria in the water. Water can also be tested for radon.

What is not included in the exam?

Most people assume that everything is checked during a day of in-depth control. This misunderstanding hashas caused many home buyers get angry with their inspector. The controls are not exhaustive, and there's a good reason. If you know someone with licenses for heating and cooling, electrical, plumbing, engineering, etc., employed to monitor your home, would be about 14 hours and costs about $ 2000! It 'much more practical to hire a professional inspector general knowledge of home systems, is knowing what to look for, and may further control by a specialist, if recommendedare needed. Your inspector is also under very specific guidelines as he / she will check your home. These are either national guidelines (ASHI - American Society of Home Inspectors, internacia - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors) or state guidelines. These guidelines are written with care, both at home and the inspector for the protection. Here are some examples: There are times does not turn off systems when they were at the inspection (for safety), we are not allowed(Maybe something bad) to move furniture, do not have permission to turn on the water when it is turned off (flooding possible), and should not slip through a break in the roof closed (possible damage). The downside of this practice is that it uses a control, you can not see, under furniture, and not always in the attic or crawl, we might miss a problem. However, the prospect, the possibility of something that is missing is serious, because this is very low, and the Directive, asrefers to security and not damage anything in the house is a good compromise. There are other factors to consider 95% of the inspectors, outside of a normal control, and may include inspection, most things that are not down (installed in the house), such as electronics, low voltage lighting , heating, mobile air conditioning systems or specialized systems fuck like water filters, alarm systems, etc.

What happens if there are things that you can not control (like snow on the roof)?

It 'just sohappens is that a few days time, the elements interfere with a full house inspection! There is not much we can do either. If there is snow on the roof, I tell you, we were able to control it. Of course we are on the eve and in the attic, and all other areas in which we try to get an idea of ​​the state, but we write in the report that we do not control the roof. It is not practical for us again on a different day when the snow melts, because we have full schedules. ThoughYou can usually pay a small fee an inspector to come back and check one or two points could not check if they were there for the first time. This is just the way things are going. If you ask the inspector for a new inspection, are usually selected items, then no additional cost (beyond the re-inspection fee).

If the inspector walk on the roof?

The inspector will go on the roof when it is safe, accessible and strong enough, so no harm done to itwalking on them. Some roofs - such as slate and tile can not be inserted. Sometimes due to bad weather conditions, steep roofs, or roofs are very high, the inspector is not able to remove the roof. The inspector will attempt to board, though, and you may also use binoculars, where accessibility is a problem. It will also examine the roof from the upstairs windows, if possible. There are a lot of the inspector may be a visual inspection from a ladder and to determinefrom the ground, and can do much more to tell from inside the attic on the condition of the roof as well.

Should I have my home tested for radon? What exactly is radon?

In many areas of the country, the answer is a resounding yes. You can ask your broker or go online for a map of radon in the country. Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas that is formed during the degradation of natural uranium in soil,Rock and water. Radon comes from the ground and can be in your home through cracks and holes in the foundation to penetrate. Radon can also contaminate well water.

Health officials have determined that radon is a carcinogen that can cause severe lung cancer is second only to cigarette smoking. The only way to find out if your home contains radon test is a measurement of radon that your home inspector can perform. Make sure that the person has to the testBeen to National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) or National Radon Safety Board's (NRSB) trained standards.

How about a newly built house? He needs to control?

Yes! In fact, we find more problems, some very serious lived in newly constructed homes and houses in subsequent years. This is not due to your negligence manufacturer - he / she is the best job you could do with subcontractors and scheduling - it's just that there are somany systems in a house that is almost impossible to test all things and fix them before the certificate of occupancy issued. Then, working for some reason, the subcontractors are tired of the house, and jobs of the past, and details are overlooked. We recommend professional home inspections in various stages of completion around the house should find out everything that must be corrected. If the house is still new, but still sitting a little 'before the sale is more importantinspection. We did not see the water lines connected pipes are not connected to sewer systems are not connected, the ventilation openings are not connected, and a number of serious, but easily correctable problems!

I built a house. The developer has assured me that would control everything. I should be monitored regularly by an independent auditor?

Absolutely! No matter how good your builder, he / she will miss things. I'm so interested with the house, they get so closetheir work, as well as suppliers that may be important and overlooked. Having a professional inspector to make inspections at least 4-6 mid-term report. It will be worth their weight in gold.

What is the pre-inspection agreement?

Most service professionals have a service contract, and the home inspection is no different. In fact, there is enough confusion about what is intended to provide an inspection that the agreement is even more important. Some homeowners who have a homeInspection expect everything to be home after the repairs to perfection. This is not the case! Imagine a phone call from a home after a year, says he does not flush the toilet - do not forget that the inspection is a snapshot moment in time. In the control, the inspector is a clear agreement, which provides control and things that are not covered, as well as this, what should you do if you are not satisfied with the services. We really believe that this first hand that selectingis much more to understand about the inspection and the happiest results. A home inspection does not guard against future problems, nor guarantee that any problems are found.

What kind of relationship will I receive after the inspection?

There are so many versions of a "report" as a society of control system. Guidelines require that the inspector to provide a written report to the customer. This may be a handwritten list that multiple copies press areawithout photos and 4 pages to generate a report of computers professionally produced from digital images, which is 35 pages long and can be converted into Adobe PDF format for storage and e-mail. Be careful with your accountant about the relationship he or she uses to verify. It is recommended that the computer-generated report, as well as a detailed list and easier for the home / buyer / seller to detail the problems with the photographs. In this modern age, we feel the need Web access to reports andE-mailable to match the technology used by most of us.

There are some great things that you can use the report for adding to the wealth of information out there just use for your new home:

• Use to make the report as a checklist and guide for the contractor to make repairs and improvements or cost estimates and quotations for more than an entrepreneur.

• Use the report as a tool for budget with the recommendations of the Commissioner and the expected remaining life of componentsto maintain the property in perfect shape.

• If you are a seller, you can use the report to make repairs and improvements that increase the value of the house and impress the buyer. Then you take a review and the use of this second report as a marketing tool for potential buyers.

• Use the report as a "punch list" for a new inspection and as a basis for maintenance.

If the ratio emailable or as Adobe PDF files?

Yes As discussed in the pastQuestion, you'll probably want to be your inspector with the latest reporting technology.

What happens if I think that the inspector missed something?

Inspectors are human, and so lacking, they article. But they usually advanced tools and techniques to reduce the possibility for them to miss something. This includes very detailed checklists, manuals, computer-based method and an always-did-the-same-way physically move home. This is aof the reasons why an inspector may miss an element when it ceased to be. The inspector is a phrase that the recovery will determine whether this is the case. If you missed something in the end, call the inspector and discuss it. It 'can provide the inspector back to something that is to be displayed. Remember to do the best job in the inspector, they know how to do, and are not likely to miss the point because they were negligent in their technique or do not care.

What happens if the inspectortells me that should be a professional engineer or a contractor or other professional plumber to have something that seem to find? It is not "passing the buck"?

You may be disappointed that further investigation is necessary, but trust us, your inspector is exactly what he should do. The purpose is to control defects that affect your safety and to explore the workings of the house, the inspector is a generalist, not a specialist. Our Code of Ethics asas well as national and state guidelines require that only contractors who are licensed in their specialty, should work on these systems and areas. If you are told that a specialist is needed, it can lead to a larger, more critical problem, you need to know. If you move in this apartment without entering these areas by a qualified person, which could be some surprises and expensive. The inspector does not want to cause concern or cost to you both, so ifThey recommend further evaluation to protect you and your investments are severe.

The auditors will have a guarantee on the peer-review?

Most home inspectors do not give a guarantee on items inspected. Remember, the inspection is a visual test on a given day and the inspector can not predict what problems may occur over time after the inspection. However, some inspectors are now one of the largest home warranty warrantyCompanies in America - American Home Warranty Corporation, and others, inspected the items for 60 or 90 days. This is a very good deal, and the contract may be extended for money after the first period for a relatively small amount.

Most companies have the inspection to offer money-back guarantee?

Most companies do not offer inspection a satisfaction guarantee, does not even mention in their advertising. There is always a good thing if you can not get additional services foradditional costs of control and, of course, your company a guarantee of satisfaction is an indication of customer service. Usually call for all tests and inspection company immediately after viewing the report to tell them they are not satisfied. If you are not satisfied with the services, you must first speak with an expert and let him / her to solve the problem (s) you are dissatisfied with the first such attempt, the inspector, an honest life, like the rest of us to do, andDo not miss it on purpose.

What happens if my report has nothing really broken into the house? I have to ask my money back?

No, do not ask for your money - you get good news! Now you can complete your purchase home in peace on the condition of the property and all its equipment and systems. You have valuable information about your new home from the inspector's report and want the information stored for later use. Moreimportant, you can be sure that you make an informed decision to purchase.

What happens if the inspection reveals serious shortcomings?

If the inspection reveals serious deficiencies in the apartment (a severe deficiency is defined as something that will cost more than 2% of the purchase price fixed), then you get a pat on the back for control. Just have saved yourself a lot of money. Of course it is disappointing, even heartbreaking, to see that your well-researchedHouse is now a house problem, but now we know the facts and can negotiate with the seller, or go forward. You may want to home so that it is useful to negotiate the price and then repair. Imagine, though, if you do not regain control - you have some very unpleasant surprises.

I ask, my home inspector to make repairs?

You can, but if your inspector is ethical, is / she refuses, and rightly so, there is a conflictInterest to the person who will be tested at home to repair too! Inspectors are expressly excluded from this practice by regulators, and is a good practice - an inspector must remain completely impartial, if he or she will check your home. This is one reason you have a professional home inspector examine the house and a contractor - the contractor will repair the work, and probably will not have a physical examination of that person, even if it meanswell and are technically competent.

Did the seller make repairs?

The results of the inspection report does not oblige the seller to repair everything mentioned in the report. Once the state of residence is unknown if the buyer and seller sit down and discuss what the report says. The report will be aware of what a repair and what is an improvement in its discretion. This area should be clearly negotiated between the parties. It 'important to knowthe investigator must remain outside of this discussion, because it is outside the scope of work.

After the home inspection and consultation with the seller to repair, I can go to the new inspector to inspect the house had to make sure everything is fixed?

You can safely, and is a good idea. For a small fee for the inspector to determine if repairs were completed, and when they are completed correctly.

What happens if I have problems afterMoving into my new home?

A home inspection is no guarantee that problems will not develop after the move, however, if you believe that a problem was seen during the inspection and should have been named in the report should be the first step to call the inspector. He or she will be fine with this, and do not want to call if you think that there is a problem. If the problem is not solved with a phone call, which will come to your house to watch it. They will wantbe satisfied and we will do everything possible to do so. One way is between the inspection and collection of a final solution to the closure behavior of both the day and use the inspection report and a walk-through check list to ensure everything is as it should be protected.

Copyright 2010 by Lisa P. Turner

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